Friday, January 11, 2013

Baby Lesson #16

Babies will steal your thunder, and your heart. I have always been pretty big and important in my own small world, the world that only exists in my Einstien like mind, and figured that the few freinds that I do have liked me for me. Now, I love Jax more than anything in this world, which those of you who know me understand that those few words about a kid rolling out of my mouth could cause the world to shift on its axis. It's funny how kids change your way of thinking and how people perceive you. My world, where it was all about Steve for 37 years, hit a small pothole when I married my lovely, and cosidered by some to be my better half, Charissa. All of a sudden I had to split the billing on the marque with someone that I love and respect, which isn't a bad thing since it made be a better person. I figured that I can live a pretty sweet life having co-headlining role. THEN... we decided to shake things up and start a little family, and I'm not just talking in size either! It took me a while to sort thru having to provide and look after another person that was solely relying on me for their every need. I also learned pretty quick that babies are super needy. I have been on sort of a roller coaster ride just trying to figure my way through the horse business and life keeping food in my belly and the bills mostly paid without the thought of providing for any others. So on January 6, 2012 we were blessed with a super precious little thunder stealer. Now it seemed that not only did I have to split headlining duties, I fell even farther down the ladder. I found out that no matter how important you are, or think you are, you will never, and I MEAN NEVER, be able to compete with a baby and an awesome wife. All of a sudden my friends, family and random strangers only wanted to talk about Jax, no matter how much I tried to change the topic, I had been delegated to a supporting role. We had planned on eventually having a couple of kids and I was cool with the idea thinking that I would have some time to figure things out with the first one and be able to change any problems that I created, in turn making the second one better (kinda like a starter wife). But as fate would have it, Charissa turned out to be fertile as a stray cat and we managed to stack another baby on top of the first only 14 months apart. I guess it has its benefits since we are having another boy and we currently have a pretty good supply of hand me down clothes, and we will be able to raise them like twins. Now if are are looking somewhere down the road and wondering what happened to good ol' Steve, don't look too hard. I will be somewhere in the background carrying the diaper bag on one shoulder and Charissa's purse on the other, pushing a crew cab dually stroller loaded with one kid and a ton of toys, coupled with Jax clawing on my neck like a spider monkey tripping on Mountian Dew, playing the best role ever, Dad.

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